Tuesday, October 7, 2008


People nowadays are very fond of taking pictures through their own digital cameras, camera phones, and for those who can afford... DSLR (digital single-lens reflex camera).

There are alot of reasons why people love photography: for the sake of art; for evidence, perhaps; fashion or current-events/work-related; landscapes or beautiful scenery; or just simply memories or what we call 'kodak moments' which we will cherish for ages... :) But one thing's for sure...

Photography does capture the beauty of life...

so... here's some of my sample photos that I took myself ... :)

You can see more of these photos in the following links below. :)
  • My Multiply - there are alot of photo albums posted (your patience is a must, I should say! haha) but please pay a visit :)
  • Deviant Art - this is where I post most of my photographs since most artist, photographers, and fans can share their different artworks here.
  • Flickr - I posted a few tho i'm still working on it.
Feel free to visit these sites... I'd love to hear some of your comments on the photos... May it be positive or negative :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pictures offer moments which cannot be replaced by time & circumstances...
just continue to harness your skills in photography and soon you will be a professional one!